Mystical Roots
(prounounced Ray-Ki)
(prounounced Ray-Ki)
The general meaning of Choku Rei is 'Place the power of the universe here'. This symbol can be used to increase the power or flow of Reiki and focus the energy at a specific location.
It can be used as an energy blessing for various possessions, objects such as your car, animals, plants, and food (to change the vibration), or worn as an amulet of protection. The Power Symbol can also be used to cleanse a room of negative energy or to seal a treatment.
Sei He Ki has a general meaning of 'God and man become one'. The Sei Hei Ki is a higher vibrational symbol and represents peace and harmony. It is also the gate to your subconscious.
Sei Heki means: 'I have the key' or 'the mindset of those who don't fall apart' and it eliminates negative energies. This symbol is also used to break negative beliefs, addictions, emotional trauma, and limiting emotions like anger, frustration, or jealousy.
The Healing symbol has a general meaning of "No past, no present, no future" or "The light in me meets the light in you".
The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol is used when sending Reiki energy to someone at a distance in place and in time, as the symbol follows your intention. By sending light into your past, you counterbalance the sum of energies that stand at the ground of your present, so that you shift your future into a positive light.
It can also transform itself into a key that will unlock the Akashic Records. Simplified, Akashic Records is an infinite cosmic library also referred to as the collective mind or the collective consciousness, or the collective unconscious.
People specially gifted and trained can read into these records and become aware of what ails a soul on earth. For example, your Akashic record reading can tell you things about who you are and your mental patterns, information which can profoundly change your life.
It represents the swirling fiery heat of the Kundalini. Dumo or Dumo Fire is the heat that ascends over the spine as a result of Kundalini's awakening. The unification of mind and body produces the emanation of heat. Heat is the lowest range of vibration, radiating out to produce form (Body). Dumo is the igniter of the Sacred Flame or Kundalini fire. Dumo unifies the mind and body and works with the fire in the base chakra. Dumo pulls negative energy and disease out of a body, room, or situation and releases it. It is thought to heal the soul and brings spiritual growth. It can be used on crystals to self-clear. Dumo's main focus is healing. It is used in the attunement process with Violet Breath where it is visualized in gold. It is not the goddess spiral used in Wiccan-based faiths.
The Usui Master Symbol is used as the highest level of healing. The Usui Reiki System, it is used in all healings. The name of the symbol can mean "Great Being of the Universe Shine on Me". It can also mean the "great shining light". It is a Zen expression of one's own true nature or Buddha nature, through which one becomes cognizant in the experience of enlightenment or satori. The spiritual body is thought to be the template from which the physical body emerges. It is thought that all disease comes from clouds forming on the spiritual body, and the Dai Ko Mio cleanses and heals the spiritual body. It is used in the attunements and for healing. The Usui Dai Ko Mio is used in Karuna Ki as a representation of the total connection to the compassion of the divine source.
The Fire Serpent represents the "Sleeping Serpent" coiling at the base of the spine. The fire Serpent is used during an attunement with a horizontal line over the top of the crown, snaking down the spine, and spiraling clockwise at the base of the spine; grounds energy into the lower (feet to tailbone) body. By reversing the spiral (counterclockwise) starting at the base of the spine, snaking up the spine, and ending with a horizontal line over the crown; it pushes energy up to four upper chakras. It does not allow energy to escape out of the crown chakra. The fire serpent connects and opens all chakras. It opens the central channel allowing the flow of Kundalini fire, or the " Dumo". It can be used in healing or meditation for more balance and receptivity.
This symbol is thought to work with past lives. The theory is that the cells carry the memory of trauma, and ideas from both this life and previous lives. This symbol is thought to help us work through these issues and release them and the associated Karma. Because of this, it is thought to work well with child abuse. It is also to help with things or formulate issues not clearly defined, and allow us to open ourselves to the awareness of these issues and our humanity. Lastly, it is used for dimensional access. In Karuna Ki, the specific technique for using Zonar is to connect to the loving compassionate energy of the divine source which is infinite, and use this infinite love for healing.
Halu means love, truth, and beauty. It can also mean harmony. It is supposed to be a deeper ray of healing. This symbol is an amplification of Zonar. Halu is thought to be more powerful than Zonar and works in higher dimensions and at deeper levels. Halu is said to restore balance. It is thought to bring about "deep healing" at causal and karmic levels. Like the Usui Reiki symbol, Sei Hei Ki, it is supposed to help dissolve negative patterns in the unconscious mind that we use to keep ourselves from the truth and also to break up delusion and denial. It is also used to open a channel to higher consciousness. It can be used to repel and dispel psychic attacks and psychological attacks.
Harth means Love, Truth, Beauty, Harmony, and Balance. It is the main symbol of Karuna Ki. It represents the Infinite Love and Compassion of the source. Harth is a symbol of the heart from which healing and love flow. It is used to heal the heart and issues of the heart and helps one develop Karuna (compassion). It is useful and helpful in healing relationships. Harth restores our love of life and the things we do. Harth is good to use for addictions of all kinds.
Rama translated means abiding joy and is interchangeable with Ram or God. Rama grounds to the six directions connect with earth energy. It opens, connects and balances lower chakras to the earth Harmonizes the upper chakras with the lower. Rama clears lower chakra energy. It can help to get a person out of lower chakra issues (survival, lack, overindulgence or lack of desire for sex, power struggles, etc.) Rama can be used to clear crystals and to clear a room of negative energy. It empowers material goals and helps to manifest them. Rama creates steadfastness and determination. If you initiate the feet with Rama and the power symbol, it will open the feet chakras, and connect with the earth's energy bringing balance and increasing the amount of Ki energy channeled.
The word "Gnosa" is derived from the Greek "Gnosis" meaning mystical and spiritual knowledge acquired through feeling and prophecies from God. Gnosis is also the belief that God reveals equally to all creation, and through personal intimate connections. Gnosa links you more strongly with the higher self and brings higher consciousness into the physical body. Gnosa increases awareness of dimensional levels of self. It can create a spinning merkaba at the heart center uplifting consciousness. This symbol, like Harth, is a primary symbol in Karuna Ki. It is through Gnosis that we develop the oneness with the compassion of God.
The Law of Kriya is that of creation and of action. Kriya is used for physical manifestation. It is thought to help to heal the human race. Kriya brings in and/or releases energy creating balance. Kriya raises awareness; and transforms thoughts into action and manifestation. It is used in the attunement, drawing over the body and sweeping off the hands (resting on knees), saying something like "You are in Perfect Balance and Oneness with all that is"
The symbols balance the four elements. Iava helps pierce the veil of illusion that is our conditioned thoughts and beliefs. By doing this we see things as they are, not as our conditioned beliefs would lead us to believe. In this oneness of mind, we are free to respond to another at the moment rather than react from past conditionings. Iava can heighten awareness of reality. It is used to help you to take action on your own plans. Iava is used for planetary healing. It will help to heal the Earth (situations, places, disasters, disease, etc.).
Shanti translated means Peace. Shanti helps heal the past. Shanti can help you to live harmoniously in the present and to release the past and future. We often hold onto past hurts and dreams that prevent us from healing. Shanti helps us to stop re-creating for ourselves the feelings stemming from the past and our beliefs about them. By using Shanti and sending peace to these past situations, we free ourselves from the attachments we hold onto the past. It is in this love that we heal. Shanti can be used for manifesting the best possible results. It releases fears and nightmares. Shanti soothes the aura creating a feeling of peace Creates integration (Kathleen Milner and William Rand state this occurs in 7 dimensions).
It represents the swirling fiery heat of the Kundalini. Dumo or Dumo Fire is the heat that ascends over the spine as a result of Kundalini's awakening. The unification of mind and body produces the emanation of heat. Heat is the lowest range of vibration, radiating out to produce form (Body). Dumo is the igniter of the Sacred Flame or Kundalini fire. Dumo unifies the mind and body and works with the fire in the base chakra. Dumo pulls negative energy and disease out of a body, room, or situation and releases it. It is thought to heal the soul and bring spiritual growth. It can be used on crystals to self-clear. Dumo's main focus is healing.
The Usui Master Symbol is used as the highest level of healing. In the Usui Reiki System it is used in all healings. The name of the symbol can mean "Great Being of the Universe Shine on Me". It can also mean the "great shining light". It is a Zen expression of one's own true nature or Buddha nature, through which one becomes cognizant in the experience of enlightenment or satori. The spiritual body is thought to be the template from which the physical body emerges. It is thought that all disease comes from clouds forming on the spiritual body, and the Dai Ko Mio cleanses and heals the spiritual body. It is used in the attunements and for healing. The Usui Dai Ko Mio is used in Karuna Ki as a representation of the total connection to the compassion of the divine source.
The Fire Serpent represents the "Sleeping Serpent" coiling at the base of the spine. The fire Serpent is used during an attunement with a horizontal line over the top of the crown, snaking down the spine, and spiraling clockwise at the base of the spine; grounds energy into the lower (feet to tailbone) body. By reversing the spiral (counterclockwise) starting at the base of the spine, snaking up the spine, and ending with a horizontal line over the crown; it pushes energy up to four upper chakras. It does not allow energy to escape out of the crown chakra. The fire serpent connects and opens all chakras. It opens the central channel allowing the flow of Kundalini fire, or the " Dumo". It can be used in healing or meditation for more balance and receptivity.
This symbol is pronounced, "Ah uu mm". It is a Sanskrit symbol used in many Eastern spiritual practices. Represents the Universe functioning as a whole unit; A father/mother beckoning creation, U = son/daughter the evolution of individual souls; and M absorbing of all that is created. The sacred sound of the Universe. Om cleans, stabilizes, and seals the aura. It brings in light, purifies, protects, and connects with GOD. Om is chanted and visualized in gold by an individual or in groups to be used for healing or psychic attunement; sound psychically charges the air with prana which is under the direction of thought and can be directed specifically. It is recognized as the primal sound and chanted to control natural manifestations; represents the three manifestations of all life: creation, preservation, and destruction Use in the initiation process to seal in the other symbols or to seal each part of the attunement. Om opens the crown and if drawn above the head opens a pathway to God and higher consciousness.
Raku is used in passing attunements, but not in individual healings. Raku helps to lift negative Karma and takes the initiative to higher levels of consciousness. It activates the Hara Line and brings Reiki energy in through the Ki channels, and grounds it in the Hara. It is used at the end of an attunement in Karuna Ki Do to separate the auras of the master and the student. Raku is an initiatory symbol.