Mystical Roots

Rising Star Healing Sytem
Revitalize your being with the life sustaining energy of the sun
"If you will be fishers of men, if you would carry the sword of Truth, and wear the robe, then come and be initiated and receive a just portion of the Fire of Truth. For our, God is a consuming fire, and he shall consume in this hour all that is allied with error and that defiles the image of the True Self."
~ Master Hilarion

“Minjushri, Bodhisattva of Wisdom, is a mirror of Divine Intelligence within each of us. He embodies the Rising Star & the wisdom of all the Buddhas in the past and those still to come. The Rising Star is laying the groundwork for this to happen by preparing humanity to heal through Teachings & energy. In his right hand, he holds a double-edged sword, which represents cutting away old beliefs, hurts, and patterns. It also represents wisdom cutting through ignorance. In the other hand, he holds the teachings long lost to humanity but is being returned now through the Rising Star and More Truth Will Set You Free workshops. Minjushri represents clear knowledge of reality and will help you master your life with perfection, eloquence & peace.”
Practitioner Certification Training & Initiation*
The initiation to become a Rising Star Practitioner is completely pure. Even if you do not plan to offer sessions to others, once the Rising Star is within your aura, that healing energy will benefit all who come into your energy field.

Rising Star Healing System
The Rising Star Healing System is an incredibly comprehensive, measurable, yet gentle holistic system. sourced from ancient Tibetan lineages.
It raises the vibration of the human energy field to hold more life-force energy. so it can rebalance disease in the body. It brings your body, mind, and spirit back into balance, working on all levels, physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, etheric, and energetic.
Each session brings healing to all 7 body systems. the major chakras. addressing both the symptoms and the karmic cause of the disease; thus making it an extraordinarily effective system of treatment.
The Rising Star Healing System is a living energy - that continually adapts, adjusts, and incorporates new healing energies as they emerge.
This healing modality incorporates many other systems of healing from all around the world, including India, Tibet, China, Japan, Europe and Celtic.
Rising Star Training Overview
Become a Practitioner of the Rising Star Healing system! A perfect offering for people, animals, spas, businesses, homes and property.
The practitioner is trained to hold the energy and create the space for you to heal on whatever level you are ready for. In a self-healing system. all it takes to work is your willingness to heal.
Learn the origin of the Rising Star and its lineage
Receive training materials with full instructions on how to perform a
Rising Star Healing in-person and remotely.
Learn how to do a Rising Star self-healing
Master the So Hum meditation to strengthen your healing practice.
Practicum - Doing Rising Star Healing sessions with classmates
Receive Source-to-Source Initiation into the Rising Star Healing system
Rising Star Healing System Technique Certification and Access to SQ Membership
Best Practices Rising Star Healing Session -experiences
Healing technique and session question and answers
Rising Star Initiation
This Initiation and certification is a sacred rite recently given to humanity by Source. It is Source to Source completely pure. This healing is a highly effective tool that assists humanity in moving forward toward health and enlightenment.
Upon receiving this powerful initiation, your vibration will increase and you will move forward on your spiritual path, healing yourself and releasing more of the negative ego that keeps you stuck in old patterns. In this way,
you become a clearer channel through which these healing energies can flow to assist others or their journey. Even if you do not plan to offer sessions to others. once the energy of the Rising Star is within your aura that healing energy will benefit all who come into your energy field.
Becoming a practitioner or teacher of the Rising Star will enable you to be of greater service to yourself, others, and the Divine
What Is A Spiritual Initiation?
A Spiritual Initiation involves the transfer of energy from the Source to the initiate, in order to awaken a consciousness or energy within. As the initiate's consciousness rises, their perspective shifts to a higher vision, and they are able to make higher choices in their daily life. thus supporting their spiritual growth. Genuine spiritual initiations significantly raise the vibration of the initiate, enabling you to hold more energy and Divine Light in your being.
Often spiritual initiations open a channel for a particular sacred energy to flow from Source, through the initiate to another person, thus enabling the initiate to be in greater service. When you are drawn to receive a spiritual initiation it is because that initiation is part of your path, your spiritual journey toward enlightenment. Often the energy or consciousness awakened with an initiation already lies within you, and the time is ripe for that energy to rise
You are also drawn to spiritual initiations when you realize that the material world cannot bring happiness. Your search for more meaning in life and find that a closer connection with Source and being in greater
Service to others is the only path to fulfillment and discovering your True Self.
Becoming a practitioner of the Rising Star Healing System will enable you to
be of greater service to yourself, others, and the Divine.
Payment in full - $700
​Payment over time:
$350 now, $350 prior to class
Refresher: $150